The Tempest
By William Shakespeare
August 19th - REBATEnsemble Theatre Group / Volunteer Park Grove / Seattle, WA 2016
Costumes: Xandra Simone | Sound: Cameron Duckett, Michael Cercado, Rheanna Atendido | Properties: Beverly Poole
"In a neighborhood crunched for arts spaces that arts groups can actually afford, theREBATEnsemble might present a few useful lessons. Bringing “engaging theatre to unconventional spaces,” the “Recession-Era Broke-Ass Theatre Ensemble” has learned how to stage even the greatest works of performance without a stage. Or a theater, for that matter."
- Capitol Hill Seattle
- Capitol Hill Seattle
"The Tempest" by William Shakespeare [REBATEnsemble Theatre Group] is staged in a magical grove of 3 trees at Volunteer Park, directed by Tom Dang. If The Gregorys gave out awards for best Tree-ography, this production would win hands down! Creative costuming and movement enhance the show greatly and this production also demonstrates how conscientious casting with regards to race can be done to help clarify relationships."
- Kathy Hsieh, Seattle Office of Arts and Culture
- Kathy Hsieh, Seattle Office of Arts and Culture
"This production is an amazing intersection of hard work, talent, imagination, and the collaboration of an impressive collection of brains."
- Barbara Harnisch, Member of Shakespeare Appreciation Club
- Barbara Harnisch, Member of Shakespeare Appreciation Club
"The choreography and just general interpretation of the story were wonderful. Tom's direction and the actors really brought out the humor, too…What fun to see the troupe do such a marvelous job again, with such very different material."
Jeanine L., Audience Member
Jeanine L., Audience Member